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“In a world where we often applaud too early and without truly watching, these two experts genuinely deserve the standing ovation not simply for this book but for a decade or more of demonstrable impact.”
Justin North,
Managing Director at Morae,
As featured in Legal Innovation & Technology Today
”Can’t beat the brains trust behind this book! Simply the best you can get on legal design!
Amanda FajermanHead of Legal Technology
”I just finished reading your The Legal Design Book. That is a fantastic piece! It is one of the most inspiring books in general, not to mention legal books, that I have recently read. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.
Natalija LabavićPartner, Bandalo & Labavić
”I’ve noticed that our students are able to take the design methods and immediately apply them in each week’s assignments without us needing to connect the dots as much from when we use product design texts. You and Meera have therefore done a good job of making legal design quickly available to newcomers.
Dan JacksonExecutive Director - NuLawLab, Northeastern University School of Law
”I love how you have designed the book. It’s not just a comprehensive information package, but it’s also a tool - a bit like a workbook with reflective exercises, practical instructions and pages to make notes.
Nina ToivonenCo-Host and Co-Founder, The Legal Design Podcast
”This book is the most important publication for the legal design community at date. We will include it as the number 1 resource for our books to read in our Visual Contracts Academy material.
Lieke BeelenFounder of Visual Contracts
”Highly readable and approachable; so far, a great embodiment of its own principles. It's perfect for a more relaxed setting and pace, for a mind that is ready to reflect and grow. Time and money well spent; both good investments for any legal professional who wants to evolve with the calling and client expectations in a world of non-stop complexity.
Robert DilworthDerivatives & Financial Products Attorney
”Legal Design Thinking was instrumental for creating our Innovation & Best Delivery Hub and carried us into a new level of collaboration. The client and internal customer perspectives gathered in the process equipped us to create new legal products and implement innovative processes.
Dr. Sandra ThielPartner and Head of Innovation, Clifford Chance Germany
”Putting Legal Design Thinking into practice helped us a lot to develop and implement our concept of Innovation and Best Delivery in order to improve the legal services we offer.
Eva SeljämarContinous Improvement Project Manager, Clifford Chance Germany
”I am incredibly proud to have the design work we do at Hive included in this amazing book.
Melissa LyonExecutive Director & Experience Designer, Hive Legal
”Authored by an expert practioner of legal design, this is no doubt a must look for anyone wishing to make use of legal design principles. Many congrats to Astrid Kohlmeier and Meera Klemola on their ongoing work in this domain!
Aileen SchultzSenior Manager, Labs Programs (Global) at Thomson Reuters & Founder, President at World Legal Summit
”A highly expected and much needed deep analysis on Legal Design. Congratulations Astrid Kohlmeier and Meera Klemola for an excellent contribution to the transformation of the legal industry.
Juan Carlos LunaFounder at Lawit Group
”We are very happy about the release of the Legal Design Book by the authors Astrid Kohlmeier and Meera Klemola. On 330 pages you will find everything you need to know about legal design.
Lina Krawietz und Alisha AndertThis is Legal Design
Astrid Kohlmeier
Meera Klemola
The Legal Design Book
The Legal Design Book is the go-to guide for practitioners seeking to understand the topic and apply legal design in their daily work. We cover what legal design is, why it’s important and how you can apply it in practice. We also deep dive into design as a profession and how design mindsets, ideas and ways of working can be transferred to the field of law. Our book includes a suite of real use cases from a selection of clients and collaborators including AIRBUS, CLIFFORD CHANCE, Haptica, Visual Contracts, Queen Mary University and more. Discover legal design today with The Legal Design Book.
Next: Authors

The Framework of Legal Design and how to apply it step by step.
The Legal Design Book does not stop at What, Why and How. It also covers the topics of impact and measuring the business value and ROI of legal design. In addition, the book unpacks the role of legal designers in the future and their role in elevating legal experiences and innovation in law firms and inhouse legal departments.
The table of contents:
- Introduction
- I The Legal Design Philosophies
- II What is Legal Design?
- III Why Legal Design?
- IV The Legal Design Process
- V Field Work – Exploring Use Cases from different contributors
- VI The Role of Legal Designers
- VII Legal User Experiences
- VIII The Value of Legal Design
- Conclusion
A Fun & Inviting Layout
At the heart of legal design is the goal to create engaging, easy to understand and user-friendly legal information while simultaneously elevating the legal client experience. As such our book embodies these values and includes fun visualizations designed by Tobias Heumann. It is not your standard legal book.
Our goal is to make the content easy to access and underline our mission as legal designers: to use design to make the law transparent, user friendly and easy to understand.
Next: Audience

Who should read this book?
The Legal Design Book should be read by those who are curious, intrigued and interested to do things better. Legal design is not dependent on any jurisdiction. The following readers may particularly enjoy this book:
- Any lawyer, from any practice area with an interest in client-centric service transformation (i.e obtaining more clients).
- Any lawyer, from any practice area looking to distinguish themselves from the competition with additional knowledge
- All Legal Innovation, Legal Ops and Legal Tech Managers
- All Partners at law firms – particularly those interested in client development, business development and establishing competitive advantage. It will appeal instinctively to partners who are future focused.
- In-house counsel tasked with increasing efficiency, reducing costs and delivering client-centric solutions.
- All legal partners at professional service provider firms (e.g KPMG, EY, Deloitte)
- Law Schools
- Law students and Professors from Universities